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Sharon's daughter Maya (now 17) grew up loving to climb trees, play every sport imaginable, build LEGO creations, pretend to be a superhero, read about sea animals, conduct science experiments, and play with her cars and trucks. She also loves her stuffed animals, and often partnered with them on elaborate spy missions or cared for them at her vet clinic. At age 3, Maya started refusing to wear pink or dresses. Next to go were bows, sparkles, hearts, and flowers. Those things just did not fit with her emerging personality and interests.

And so began years of struggling mightily to find clothes that fit her style. Each season would require an exhaustive (and frustrating!) search through countless stores and websites, overflowing with stereotypical “girly” clothes, in order to hopefully uncover the one or two tops or bottoms from each brand that fit her style. It would always end up with Maya asking “Why do boys get all the cool stuff?” and Sharon wondering why clothes have to be so polarizing.

Laura's daughter Grace (now age 19) is very different, yet faces the same constant struggle to find clothes that fit her style. For a while, Grace loved a traditional "girly" slant on clothes – bows and scarves and necklaces. She was very into fashion and, during one particular phase, wouldn’t leave the house without her furry jean jacket, black boots, and a very specific flower headband. It was her look! Her room was covered in pink, and her favorite toys were her dollhouse and stuffed animals. While still interested in fashion, Grace can now just as often be found building with her (traditionally colored) LEGO bricks or shooting hoops in the backyard. Around age 7, Grace decided pink clothes and sequins were no longer for her. She just wants simple, unique clothes that are comfortable to wear and not “cutesy.” 

It shouldn’t be so hard to shop for girls like Maya and Grace! We had to do something to give girls more options!

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